Monday, 28 August 2017

Way to go, Tiddlewoo! (poem)

I wanted to go to Tiddlewoo,
To Tiddlewoo I wanted to go.

I asked a rabbit where it was,
But he just said 'Ho!'

I went ahead and saw a dog,
'Grr!', said he, oh no!

Walked further till saw the mouse,
And ah! 'Squee!' was synonym for no!

Board came, 'Tiddlewoo: 100000 km'
Sooo many zeros! Whoa!

Saw bird and asked, 'Tiddlewoo be where?'
Said she, 'Cheep cheep'  What?? Nooo!

I walked and walked and walked and walked,
Saw sign, 'Tiddlewoo: 1/2 km' Behold the lo!

Trotted me, walked me, sprinted me too!
And finally came Tiddlewoo!

What happened there, I remember it not,
But the place, ye know, was boilin' hot!

~ Anoushka Sabnis

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Summertime! (poem)

Longer days and shorter nights (Raheim Robinson)
A joy reckless and wild (Abbey Silent)
Drifting away in the summer wind (Natalia Huja)
While the moon shines (Julie T. Spence)

Water was flowing down the stream (Nirbhay Kwatra)
Weather gets warmer and fruits riper (Mohammad Zibadel)
The butterflies are floating through the air (Alice G.)
Ice cream I bring (Mike Milne)

~ Anoushka Sabnis

What peace means to me

What peace means to me - Is a world with smiles and glee! No wars or terrorist attacks, Or stolen goods in sacks. Friends...