Monday, 8 October 2012

Only Donkeys Don't Eat Mangoes

Once a donkey lived in a jungle. There was a mango tree in the jungle. He used to see the tree.
One day his friend monkey was climbing tree by tree and eating mangoes.
The donkey was very sad that he cannot eat the mangoes.
The monkey saw his friend, the donkey.. but he was looking very sad.
So the monkey jumped off the tree.
He asked... why are you so sad, my friend?
Because I cannot eat the mangoes.
Ohhh so that's the problem. Donkeys cannot eat mangoes because they cannot climb trees.



  1. Dearest kinu pie,

    Lovely story....

    The story continues....

    So the donkey went to a fairy and asked her to help him climb a tree. The fairy granted her a wish and gave him a pair of wings. The donkey could now fly. So he became a "Flying Donkey".

    What happened next ?

    Lots of love and kisses


  2. Love your stories Kinu :)
    Keep writing !!

  3. Hehehe Cute!

    Moral : People who do not eat mangoes are Donkeys!!

  4. My baby,

    You are a writer!... How cute are your donkeys and monkeys... Eagerly waiting for the next story.

    Love your biggest fan



What peace means to me

What peace means to me - Is a world with smiles and glee! No wars or terrorist attacks, Or stolen goods in sacks. Friends...