There was a once a planet called Dong,
Where the people had lived quite long!
It was very pretty and green,
The healthiest planet ever seen!
But once, suddenly, it all went black!
As black as black it is in a closed sack!
All the aliens were very scared,
So in the night, one bed they shared!
Slowly, the planet became dark and bad,
The Dongers became lonely and sad.
Then suddenly, a Donger spotted light!
And in a few days, planet Dong became bright!
A little sapling shot from the ground,
And slowly, it bore fruits juicy and round!
Planet Dong was again pretty and green!
The healthiest planet ever seen!
Then one day a group of astronauts from Earth came,
Discovered planet Dong, and received acclaim and fame!
The astronauts named this planet Pluto,
And the Dongers (now Plutons) thought, 'Earthlings changed our planet's name? Huh Oh.'
The Plutons became irritated and sad,
They thought, 'The Earthlings, their interference and experiments are so bad!'
So in a few years, Pluto went 'off course',
The scientists said, 'Now, Pluto is out the Solar System, of course!'
Very sadly, the Plutons, left the Solar System,
But then sighed, 'To leave the Solar System is wisdom.'
So after leaving us, Pluto was happy again,
And their first name, 'Dong', they did gain!
So now, from 'My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets,
(M, V, E, M, J, S, U, N, P)
It has become, 'My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles!'
(M, V, E, M, J, S, U, N)
~ Anoushka Sabnis