Sunday, 29 January 2017

Pluto - the untold story! (poem)

There was a once a planet called Dong,
Where the people had lived quite long!

It was very pretty and green,
The healthiest planet ever seen!

But once, suddenly, it all went black!
As black as black it is in a closed sack!

All the aliens were very scared,
So in the night, one bed they shared!

Slowly, the planet became dark and bad,
The Dongers became lonely and sad.

Then suddenly, a Donger spotted light!
And in a few days, planet Dong became bright!

A little sapling shot from the ground,
And slowly, it bore fruits juicy and round!

Planet Dong was again pretty and green!
The healthiest planet ever seen!

Then one day a group of astronauts from Earth came,
Discovered planet Dong, and received acclaim and fame!

The astronauts named this planet Pluto,
And the Dongers (now Plutons) thought, 'Earthlings changed our planet's name? Huh Oh.'

The Plutons became irritated and sad,
They thought, 'The Earthlings, their interference and experiments are so bad!'

So in a few years, Pluto went 'off course',
The scientists said, 'Now, Pluto is out the Solar System, of course!'

Very sadly, the Plutons, left the Solar System,
But then sighed, 'To leave the Solar System is wisdom.'

So after leaving us, Pluto was happy again,
And their first name, 'Dong', they did gain!

So now, from 'My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets,
(M, V, E, M, J, S, U, N, P)
It has become, 'My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles!'
(M, V, E, M, J, S, U, N)

~ Anoushka Sabnis 

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Barmer Farmer (poem)

There was once a farmer,
Who grew barmer,

He didn't know what he grew,
So he started to sell chicken stew!

But he was a vegetarian, he then remembered,
So in a chemistry club, he got membered!

He didn't even know the C of Chemistry, 
So he decided to be a detective to solve a mystery!

He was totally scared after the mystery was solved,
So in botany he got involved!

Botany, he thought, was so boring,
That farming tools for the king, he started storing!

He thought, "Life was better as a farmer",
So he again began to grow barmer!

~ Anoushka Sabnis

Sunday, 15 January 2017

SweetTown Yum (poem)

I wish there was a place far away, called 'SweetTown Yum',
Where things were made of food and sweets
Mountains of ice cream and treacle pudding huts,
A place where everyone feasts and eats!

The Sweetins (the residents) won't get fat, 
Because the place is absolutely magic!
In shops, to buy things, they'll use Sweetuts (their currency),
And in SweetTown Yum, nothing will ever be tragic!

Their king, Mr. Kit Kat and queen Lady Apple Pie,
Would rule the town like a kingdom.
Just without punishments, or scoldings.
And would hold competitions, like 'chew for 1 hour gum!'

The plants would be coconut bushes and candy flowers,
The animals Chocolate Bears and Gummy Birds.
The houses made of waffles and pizzas,
And the streams of soupy noodles where Sweetins come to drink in a herd!

This land, SweetTown Yum, is imaginary,
But I wish, oh I wish, it was real!
This town, made of all things nice and tasty,
Is like living in a dream so beautiful and surreal!

~ Anoushka Sabnis

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Toyland! (poem)

In Toyland, lived Jolly and Tiptoe,
In their own little house, Jolly Cottage!
Accompanied by Teddy and the Clockwork Clown,
Who were also invited to their marriage!

Jolly was a smiling wooden toy sailor,
And he had a lovely song.
You'll know what the song is in a jiffy,
And don't worry, it's not too long:

'Yoho for a life on the sea,
Yoho, that's the life for me!
I wish I'd a ship
For I'd take a long trip,
Yoho for a life on the sea!

Tiptoe, was also a very sweet fairy doll,
Who was on Sally's Christmas Tree,
But the other toys hated her very much,
And she used to say, "I wonder why no one wants friendship with me."

Jolly and Tiptoe had run away from Sally,
Whose nursery they had been in.
Because the other toys over there
were very unkind, they wanted to put them in a bin!

They married each other without a priest, 
Or much of an audience, or a ring,
They also named each other, as they didn't have any names,
They were very happy, and in future, more happiness they were to bring!

These characters were not MADE by me,
But by my favourite author!
Enid Blyton has created them,
In the book, Tales of Toyland; to know more, read it further!

~ Anoushka Sabnis 

What peace means to me

What peace means to me - Is a world with smiles and glee! No wars or terrorist attacks, Or stolen goods in sacks. Friends...